About Us

Adelė & Dainius Latvėnai

linoo founders

+370 699 55 393

linoo was born out of a dedication to design, home, peace, nature, tradition and natural textiles, especially linen fibre, which has been cultivated here in Lithuania since time immemorial. We are driven and supported by the fact that we ourselves have more than 20 years of experience in interior design and haute couture.

Our passion is to create remarkably simple homes with design and functionality down to the last detail. Create for life, not for a season or a moment. We have a team of 50 people working in our company, so every piece is made to the smallest detail. Lately, in the team, we have been thinking and discussing more and more about our footprint on this planet, who we are creating for and why. So our mission, on which we all agree, is to promote conscious consumption by encouraging the purchase of only what is really needed and what is of quality and durability. Our simple philosophy is:

Buy only what we really need, or what needs to be updated. Let’s consume the best we can find, depending on how the product is produced. Let’s value ethical production and seek it out. Let’s enjoy those things that are beautiful and useful, but let’s try to buy them only once.

In house, we create collections using the finest quality linen and wool fibres we can find. We pay more for yarn, but we only choose yarn with long fibres and from ethical farms. We create our own fabrics using imported yarns and weave them ourselves in Lithuania, so that we know the conditions under which the final result is produced.

We guarantee you’ll find that our products will stand the test of time and last as long as you let them, and will be a very stylish accent in any home.

We’re always keen to see our products in your environment, which is why we’re constantly monitoring social networks and sending extra gifts to the authors of the photos. So upload your photos to instagram or facebook, tag #linooworld and you’ll surely get our giveaways :))

We always hope that you’ll find something you’ll love at first sight.

linoo team